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~these lovely days....

Tuesday, Apr. 03, 2007 ~ at 1:31 p.m.

smooth peaceful drive

There's something relaxing and peaceful about driving late at night, alone in a little car.

And not just that, but driving alone through little streets and roads, inbetween rainshowers.

Streetlights reflect off little pools of water along the edges of vacent roads and sidewalks.

My little car zooms through black night, the green traffic lights lighting the interior of the car more than the inner lights do.

There's not much for sound save the wind hitting the car and the engine noise.

I go sailing on, there's hardly anyone around to make the lights change~

just me in a little red car... not going very far... but 30-40 minutes, in the dusky, wet night.

Chag Pesach Smeach.*

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